I hope everyone has a blessed Sunday!

Here is how to make a dragonfly from discarded materials.
This dragonfly is made from old license plates, chair leg and old keys.
You can even use an old hammer handle for the body.
We us...
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I found various 2 ft. antique ceiling tile on a junking trip and
wondered what I could create, alas a butterfly!
We traced our pattern on the metal and Honey cut this one
out u...
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One Response to Sunday Thoughts
Karen young says:
I like this quote! I have family that have fit this saying perfectly I call them “Blessed”! Many of us it takes years to come in harmony with our spirits. We drift through life with terrible inferiority complexes and self blame. We wear ourselves out trying to be perfect then we realize the person we were trying to measure up to so many years was never perfect in the first place. We are all human! This quote is certainly good “food for thought”. Karen